History3 Videos

S1 Ep4 Tertullian English

Set in AD 197-240, Tertullian became the first major Christian writer to write in Latin. His works covered key Christian concepts such as the Trinity and the sanctity of human life. His prolific contribution to church and Roman history is highly regarded in religious and secular fields.

S1 Ep3 Perpetua English

{:en} Set in Carthage, modern-day Tunis, Tunisia, the story of Perpetua follows the life of a young mother who finds herself having to make life and death choices resulting from her newly-found faith. Based mostly on her journal dating back to AD 203, her story boldly demonstrates a daily walk of faith even to the […]

S1 Ep1 The Scillitan Martyrs English

Set in AD 180, twelve followers of Christ, known today as The Scillitan Martyrs, faced strong persecution and certain death under societal pressures to worship emperors and gods of that time period. Unified, empowered, and anointed, they remained faithful to what they knew to be true. Their story was told throughout the Empire and has […]